


Phone: +49 170 – 8620996
Email: michael.haus @ koeln.de

‘For me, photography is a fascinating opportunity to bring together different realities in individual images to create my own new representation and bring them to life in my visual language. The decisive factor for me is to recognise the interesting moments and to capture them photographically in a concentrated way in the spatial and creative interplay.’

Born in 1961, I worked as an architect in various companies from 1987-2022. Since my first photography internship with Horst Baumann in 1979, I have dedicated myself increasingly intensively to the medium of photography, initially in parallel to my work as an architect and then primarily after leaving my architectural career. In workshops with Jessica Backhaus, Bernd Arnold, Oliver Rausch at the Cologne Photo School, Karl von Westerholt and in courses at the Lichtblick School with Markus Schaden. Frederic Lezmi, Birte Kaufmann, Nikita Teryoshin and Wolfgang Zurborn, I have continuously developed my personal visual language. Works from my series Jungle Warning, All India Permit, Glaubensspuren and Köln, Schicht für Schicht have been shown in various solo and group exhibitions since 2014.

PRINTS are available on request.

